Why Tapping in the Classroom…
Listen to what Jack Canfield says about PRIME Tapping
As the beloved originator of the Chicken Soup for the SoulⓇ series, Jack Canfield has taught millions of individuals his modernized formulas for success, and has trained and certified over 2,700 students to teach his content and methodology in 107 countries around the world.
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Simply stated, it works on the body’s energy system and meridians. Meridians are our body’s electrical circuits. They are the roads our energy uses to travel from all parts of our body to and from our brain. Meridians are what Chinese health practitioners discovered some 5,000 years ago, and form the basis for acupuncture.
Prime Tapping Testimonials

Tapping for Teens
Middle School and Teens have a plethora of common social and heighten personal concerns. From bullying, gossiping, jealousy, test and performance anxiety, self-consciously to embarrassment and even shame. Terri teaches students how they can start to use, “Tapping” anytime, whether school or at home to overcome many difficulties or feelings of stress. Allowing then to feel calm and in-control of their emotions.
Tapping in Schools
Dr. Peta Stapleton speaks about how Gold Coast schools in Australia are using EFT or Tapping for academic fear and anxiety, feelings, performance and goal setting. Tapping diminishes the noise we experience around stress and life’s challenges of modern life. Tapping is an important and simple tool to quiet that noise and move you to a place of peace and feeling good.
What people are saying about PRIME Tapping
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques, it works with the body’s energy system. Just think about the name, you are literally freeing yourself from negative emotions like hurts or fears.
The Chinese discovered, we have a subtle energy that runs through the body carried through tiny pathways called meridians, they call this energy “Chi” and you can access the meridian through its endpoint.
Tapping is relatively new as it was in 1979 when Dr. Roger Callahan, a psychologist first discovered success with patients using tapping on meridian points while addressing different issues.
Today EFT Tapping has been researched in more than 10 countries by numerous gold standard studies proving its effectiveness in lowering cortisol levels and reducing stress and anxiety and other negative emotions.
Simply stated, it works on the body’s energy system and meridians.
Meridians are our body’s electrical circuits. They are the roads our energy uses to travel from all parts of our body to and from our brain.
Meridians are what Chinese health practitioners discovered some 5,000 years ago, and form the basis for acupuncture. But with Tapping, we don’t use any needles!
As Tapping is being introduced to students of all ages, research demonstrates Tapping can improve academic performance, decrease negative emotional states, improve self-esteem and resilience and better solve negative social interactions.
According to Harvard Medical School “Tapping is proving to be a powerful, well-researched technique”.
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Tapping for Courage, Hope, Peace, and Love
PUBLISHED BY: The Tapping Solution WRITTEN BY: Nick Ortner
I’m sure you’re feeling the energy of discord that is really strong in the world right now. It’s a tough time – for a lot of reasons.
And that’s why, more than ever, we need YOU to focus on courage, love, hope, peace, and possibility.
In a moment’s time, you can shift your energy into these places. Try this now for 60 seconds (don’t skip it):
Tapping Script
Tapping on the karate chop point (side of the hand) repeat after me, either in your mind our out loud…
“Even though there’s so much discord in the world right now, I choose to feel courage.”
Two more times on the side of the hand…
“Even though the world feels so overwhelming, I choose to feel love in my body.”
“Even though I’m holding onto so much stress and anxiety, it’s safe to relax and feel safe now.”
Then tap through the rest of the points, simply tuning in to the energy of each of these words…
Eyebrow: Courage
Side of Eye: Hope
Under Eye: Peace
Under Nose: Love
Under Mouth: Courage
Collarbone: Hope
Under Arm: Peace
Top of Head: Love
Take a gentle breath in…and let it go. One round of Tapping, and now you’ve tuned your energy field to these positive emotions. Now you feel just a little bit better AND now the WORLD feels just a little bit better.
You’ve heard it time and again but… “Be the Change You Wish to See in the World.” That’s why we need your positive energy more than ever.
Until next time…
Keep Tapping!
Nick Ortner
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